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USMLE® is a joint program of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). COMLEX-USA® is a registered trademark of The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, Inc. NCLEX-RN® is a registered trademark of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. Test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are endorsed by nor affiliated with Osmosis or this website.
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Upcoming Osmosis Educator Web Events
Whether you're new to the concept or looking to enhance your existing approach, join us as we dive into best practices and tools for implementing a successful flipped classroom model. Discover how flipping the classroom can cultivate deeper student understanding and foster a dynamic, interactive learning environment with host Catherine Johnson, MA. Register today for our May 16th at 1 PM EST webinar as we go through ways to enhance student engagement and integrate Osmosis tools into your curriculum.
Flipping your classroom: Strategies and tools for flipped classroom success with Osmosis
May 16th 1 PM EST/10 AM PST
Are you a learner or looking for web events to share with your students? Check out Osmosis learner events here.
Potenciar el aprendizaje: Un recorrido por Osmosis y sus herramientas
Upcoming Osmosis educator web events
Are you a learner or looking for web events to share with your students? Check out Osmosis learner events here.
Supercharge your impact as an educator by supporting your students in self-directed learning and identifying those who are most at risk. Join host Catherine Johnson on February 13th at 1 PM EST for a 45 minute webinar on the power of Osmosis in supporting student success.
8 de mayo de 2024 | México 13:00 hrs/Colombia-Perú 14:00 hrs/España 21:00 hrs/Argentina - Brasil 16:00 hrs/Chile 15:00 hrs
Nuevo capítulo de nuestra serie Diálogos Docentes, un espacio abierto y dinámico de encuentro e intercambio de ideas, proyectos y testimonios para docentes de Ciencias de la Salud. En nuestro próximo encuentro haremos un recorrido, de la mano de un grupo de expertos, por Osmosis, una potente plataforma de aprendizaje visual que facilita la comprensión de conocimientos médicos relevantes y complejos a través de material audiovisual creado a partir de la evidencia más vanguardista de la ciencia del aprendizaje.
Supporting the Clinical Learner: Building Practice Readiness with the Elsevier Portfolio
March 28th | 10 AM EST / 3 PM GMT
Join us March 28th at 10 AM EST / 3 PM GMT, as we dive into strategies you can implement to better support clinical learners. Guest panelist and Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at Touro College, Dr. Michael Foti, DO, joins us to discuss effective strategies for preparing students for real-world clinical challenges using Elsevier's comprehensive resources. Learn how to leverage innovative tools and content to enhance clinical skills, foster confidence, and ensure that your learners are ready for success in their healthcare careers.